Breaking Brand – How On-Line Videos Launch Brands and Create Customers

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Breaking Brand – How On-Line Videos Launch Brands and Create Customers

(Part 1)

On-line content viewership is growing at an exponential rate with no signs of slowing down. In fact, somewhere in there, on-line videos replaced TV as our main entertainment source and we barely even noticed. In short, you couldn’t offset this addiction with a thousand Los Pollos Hermanos covering a thousand miles. People want their blue and they want it now, and if you don’t give it to them, well, they buy something else or go somewhere else.

Does your business website have search engine optimized product and services videos? Do you need quality, branded content that will grow your business through YouTube, FaceBook, Vimeo and other social media sites?

Whether you are an established company or looking to launch your brand, McElroy Films will help you develop the video content and strategy to reach the right audience, at the right time, with the right product solution. The digital marketing age is upon us and your business can not afford to be left behind. Here are a few of the “How’s” and the “Why’s” online videos are so effective at selling product and raising brand awareness.

  1. Mobile, Bite-Sized Entertainment

We all have super computers in our pockets that let us watch videos anytime, anywhere. But peeling our eyes off our devices for one second requires effort plus, we might have to interact with people or pay attention to the road. Who wants that?

The reality is online videos are bite-sized and convenient like a bag of chips (let’s say Twisty Fritos for you chip connoisseurs out there) and just like a bag of chips you don’t realize how much you’ve consumed until you finish the bag. The difference is the bag is never empty on the internet, there’s always something new to watch. Smart companies make watchable bite-sized content to generate viewers, increase sales, and raise brand awareness.

  1. Entertain and Inform

The competition for viewers means companies are constantly searching for new ways to stand out and get noticed. The online audience is a harsh and fickle place. Getting the attention and then keeping the attention is an ongoing challenge. Your product/service video should inform, but also compel more and more companies by relying on humor, storytelling, interesting information and internet personalities. Meaning it’s becoming more like TV, only mini-shows. Of course, the goal is never to get too cute. People that want your product will want to learn about your product, so moderation is key. It varies from industry to industry, but McElroy Films, a full service video production company, can create a campaign from scratch by incorporating writing, directing, editing and optimizing for YouTube, company websites or wherever the video will be seen.

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3. Share and Share Alike

People love to share things almost as much as they love to watch things. “First” isn’t something to just write in the comments section. This is great news for business’s looking to launch a brand or gain more recognition, because your audience in a way becomes your marketing partner. They most likely have friends with similar interests and backgrounds so when you reach one of them, you have the potential to reach a hundred of them. All you have to do is make the quality video content that people are willing to share. It’s that simple. Make it watchable. Make it shareable, and Likable (as in FaceBook) and you can gain viewers and customers overnight.

  1. On-Line Video Advertising is Cost Effective

Of all the places you can spend your marketing dollars, on-line videos yield the best return on investment. A professional video production company such as McElroy Films can produce affordable videos with superb production values that generate sales and interest. The video doesn’t run only when you buy airtime. It’s available to watch at all times at the viewer’s convenience. Nobody seeks out a commercial on TV, the commercials are blasted at them and the advertisers hope to reach enough of their target market to make it worthwhile. A video that is optimized for search engines is precisely calibrated so that potential customers are typing in the words that will ultimately help them discover your videos. It’s been said before, but must be said again, after Google, YouTube is the second largest search engine. Get found on the internet with a video that has the right tags and content that pop up most on YouTube and Google.

  1. On-Line Videos Get Measurable Results

Maybe the greatest thing about videos optimized for the internet is you can see how many people are watching, who’s sharing, who’s liking and most important of all: Who is buying!

Is your video hitting the right audience? Is your video producing the desired action and getting the viewer to make a decision, whether it’s to buy or support your business organization?

You can adjust these things in real time during the marketing campaign to boost your reach, enhance the precision of your marketing campaign and get more views and sales. Digital marketing is a real time, results oriented process and quality video production services can help your company reach its potential.

BStart your video production journey today, contact a production specialist with McElroy Films and start getting your business recognized and found.